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Does Paint Drying Darker Or Lighter?

Does Paint Drying Darker Or Lighter?

You know how paint can take a few days to completely dry? You know how after it dries it’s darker in colour? Well does the paint under any type of light change colour at all? Or is it only when the sun hits it that seems to darken, so green and blue become browns and greys? Has anyone ever noticed that if you paint a house bright white, but give it a slight olive tone as well, using darker blues and greens around the outside – they become totally camouflaged? What we all just witnessed was the power of light to change colours, and on such an overtly simple scale at that!

What is the Difference Between Dark With Paint and Light with Paint?

When it comes to paint, there are two main types: dark and light. Dark paint is typically made with darker-colored pigments, while light paint is made with lighter-colored pigments. The type of paint you choose will ultimately depend on the look you’re going for in your home.

If you want a room to look brighter, then choosing a light colour paint is probably your best bet. Light colours tend to make spaces feel more open and airy. On the other hand, if you want a room to feel more cozy and intimate, then opting for a dark colour might be the way to go.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. You might find that painting a small room in a dark colour can actually make it feel larger than it really is. The same goes for using light colours in large rooms – they can sometimes make the space feel more closed off than it actually is.

At the end of the day, it’s really up to you to decide what look you’re going for in your home. If you’re not sure which direction to go in, we suggest testing out a few swatches of each before making your final decision. 

What is the Difference Between Dark Wood and Light Wood?

Darker Or Lighter

Wood is another material that comes in both light and dark varieties. The type of wood you choose for your home will ultimately depend on the overall look you’re going for.

Just like with paint, opting for a light wood can make a space feel more open and airy. If you want a room to feel bright and spacious, then choosing light-colored wood is probably your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re going for a more cozy and intimate vibe, then dark wood might be the way to go.

Again, there are always exceptions to the rule. You might find that using light-colored wood in a small room can actually make it feel larger than it really is. The same goes for using dark wood in large rooms – they can sometimes make the space feel more closed off than it actually is.

At the end of the day, it’s really up to you to decide what look you’re going for in your home. If you’re not sure which direction to go in, we suggest testing out a few swatches of each before making your final decision.

Sponges vs Brushes

When it comes to paint, there are two schools of thought when it comes to choosing the right applicator: sponges or brushes. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages that you should take into account before deciding which is right for your project.


Even coverage

No streaks or brush strokes

More difficult to control paint output


Greater control over paint output

Can create interesting textured effects

Often leaves behind brush strokes

How to Clean up Spills

If you have a paint spill, the first thing you need to do is soak up as much of the paint as possible. You can do this with a paper towel or a clean cloth. Once you’ve soaked up as much paint as you can, flush the area with warm water.

If the spill is on your clothing, remove the item of clothing and rinse it under warm water. Then, pre-treat the stain with a stain remover before washing it in your washing machine.

For larger spills, you may need to use a sponge or a brush to scrub away the dried paint. Once you’ve removed all of the paint, rinse the area with warm water to remove any residue. 

If you have a food or drink spill, the first thing you need to do is blot up as much of the spill as possible. You can do this with a paper towel or a clean cloth. Once you’ve blotted up the spill, flush the area with warm water.

If the spill is on your clothing, remove the item of clothing and rinse it under warm water. Then, pre-treat the stain with a stain remover before washing it in your washing machine.

Simply goes over some methods on how to clean up paints whichever side it came out of.

There are a few different ways that you can clean up paint, depending on which side it came out of. If the paint came out of the bottom of the can, you can use a putty knife to scrape it off. If the paint came out of the top of the can, you can use a brush to wipe it away. You can also use a rag to wipe away any excess paint. To clean up paint that has spilled onto the floor, you can use a mop or a sponge. First, sweep up any loose paint chips. Then, wet the floor and scrub it with a sponge or mop. Finally, rinse the floor with water to remove any remaining paint.


As it turns out, paint can dry both darker and lighter than it appears when first applied to a surface. This is due to a variety of factors, including the type of paint used, the color of the paint, the type of surface being painted, and the conditions in which the paint dries.

When choosing a paint colour, it’s always best to test a small patch on the surface you’ll be painting before committing to the whole project. This will help you get a better sense of how the finished product will look.

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