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How to write adhd characters

How to write adhd characters

A blog article on how to write characters with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The author provides information on how to write a believable character with ADHD and provides them with some of the habits that are common for people with the disorder.

Different Characters Types

There are a few character types that are commonly associated with ADHD: wild, zany, and motivated. While any character can be represented by any one of these descriptors, there is some truth to each one.

Wild Characters: 

Wild characters are generally the most outgoing and energetic type. They’re typically the ones who take risks and don’t hesitate to speak their mind. They can be fun and entertaining, but they can also be spontaneous and impulsive. They often have a wide range of interests and are very active in their community.

Zany Characters: 

Zany characters are similar to wild characters in that they’re highly energetic and outgoing. However, zaniness often takes the form of offbeat humor or outrageous behavior. They may be unpredictable and challenging, but they also make people laugh.

Motivated Characters: 

Motivated characters tend to be more restrained than the other character types. They take their time contemplating decisions and shy away from risk-taking. Instead, they focus on achieving their goals calmly and methodically. They’re usually introspective and considerate of others, though they may not always show it outwardly.

What is adhd?

What is adhd? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and it is a mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a chronic condition that involves problems with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Many people with ADHD experience symptoms in multiple areas of their lives, which can make it difficult to complete tasks or meet deadlines.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to write an ADHD character, as the symptoms will vary from person to person. However, there are some things that you can do to help yours stand out from the crowd. First and foremost, be authentic. Don’t try to create a character who is completely opposite of who you are – embrace your quirks and embrace your ADHD.

Another thing to keep in mind is that ADHD characters tend to be spitfire personalities. They are impulsive and often act on instinct, rather than thinking things through first. This makes them fun and entertaining, but it can also make them difficult to manage. Be sure to present all these attributes in a believable way – your readers won’t want to slap you upside the head every time you disobey a rule!

If you are writing an article about adhd

types of characters with an adhd diagnosis

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to writing characters with an ADHD diagnosis, but there are a few general tips that can be helpful. If you’re writing a character who is dealing with ADHD, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. He or she may be impulsive and/or highly motivated.
  2. He or she may be easily distracted and have problems meeting deadlines.
  3. He or she may have difficulty focusing on tasks for more than a few minutes at a time.
  4. He or she may have difficulty staying organized.
  5. He or she may have trouble regulating his or her own emotions.

how to write a character with an adhd diagnosis

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to writing an ADHD character, as the diagnosis and manifestations of the disorder will vary greatly from person to person. However, there are some general tips that can help you get started:

  1. Start by understanding your character’s background. What caused the ADHD? What triggers it? How has it affected their life?

  2. Be sure to ground your character in reality. Make them relatable by showing how their ADHD affects specific areas of their life – work, family, socializing – and how they cope with it.

  3. Avoid stereotypes and clichés. Let your character be real and authentic, not just a stereotype or an archetype.

  4. Use dialogue to highlight your character’s thoughts and feelings. Show how their ADHD affects their ability to communicate, negotiate, and stay focused in conversation.

  5. Use physicality as a way to show how ADHD affects daily life. Describe how the disorder affects movement, coordination, and impulse control.

Character Making

If you’re like me, you may have a hard time coming up with interesting and complex characters for your stories or articles. If so, you’re not alone! When it comes to characters that are interesting and complex, many people with ADHD feel like they hit a brick wall. 

While creating ADHD characters can be difficult, it’s definitely possible. Here are three tips that may help: 

  1. Base your character on yourself or someone you know well. 
  2. Don’t try to make your character perfect – let him or her have flaws. 
  3. Pay attention to your audience – make sure your character is relatable to them.

Cues for a Strong Character with ADHD

There are a few things you can do to help create a strong character with ADHD. First and foremost, be honest with yourself about your condition. This will help you focus on what you need to do in order to compensate for your ADHD symptoms.

Secondly, make sure that your descriptions of people and places accurately reflect who they are. Avoid making assumptions or generalizing about people who have ADHD. Make sure the details you include anchor the reader in the story.

Lastly, be aware of the expectations that others may have of someone with ADHD. Pay attention to the way people around you react to different situations. This information can help you adjust your behavior in order to fit into groups more easily.

Weak Characters

ADHD Characters learn quickly, but they often make poor decisions. The result is a lot of unfulfilled potential and missed opportunities.

Characters with ADHD often need more time to think things through before they take action. They have trouble staying on task, and tend to be impulsive. They also have a higher than average tendency to make mistakes.

If you want your ADHD character to stand out and be memorable, you’ll need to help them overcome these weaknesses. You can do this by providing them with clear objectives, careful planning, and support throughout the writing process.

The following tips will help you create strong ADHD characters:

1) Provide The Character With Clear Objectives

ADHD Characters are often quick thinkers, but they don’t always know what they’re trying to achieve. Help them focus by providing them with clear objectives from the beginning of the story. This will keep them on track and ensure that their actions reflect their intended goals.

2) Involve Them In Timing Challenges Throughout The Plot

ADHD Characters can sometimes lose track of time or their priorities when faced with a difficult challenge. Use timing challenges throughout the plot to test their abilities and see how quickly they can respond. This will add excitement  and unpredictability to the story, and help to keep the ADHD Characters on their toes.

3) Help Them Emotionalize Their Character Traits

ADHD Characters are often able to think quickly and plan effectively, but they can be emotionally impulsive. Help them express their emotions in a way that is believable and compelling. This will give readers a deeper connection to them, and help them to understand their motives better.

4) Keep The Character Fun And Interesting To Follow

ADHD Characters can be highly successful when they focus on meeting realistic goals. However, they can also be mischievous and prone to making mistakes. Be sure to keep the character dynamics fun and interesting, and avoid making them too bogged down in realism. This will keep readers engaged with the story , and help them to identify with the characters.

Background Checks

There’s no hiding the fact that people with ADHD can be some of the most dedicated and motivated individuals in the world. As a result, when it comes to finding a job, these individuals are often in high demand. Unfortunately, because ADHD can affect both concentration and impulse control, many employers hesitate to hire someone with this condition.

But don’t worry! Because ADHD isn’t a disability, it doesn’t automatically disqualify you from jobs or promotions. The best way to overcome any employer’s hesitation is through thorough preparation and an honest presentation of your disorder. Here are some tips for writing adhd characters that will have them believing you’re exactly what they’re looking for:

  1. Start by researching your specific ADHD condition. This will help you understand why you might have difficulty focusing or controlling your impulses, and it’ll help show that you’re committed to overcoming those challenges.

  2. Talk about your strengths and weaknesses honestly with potential employers. While everyone has their own unique set of skills, many people with ADHD also struggle with staying organized or managing time efficiently. These are just a few of the many struggles that can be common with this condition, so be prepared todiscuss them in detail.

  3. Be  proactive about seeking treatment for your ADHD. This is a lifelong struggle, and it’s important to be proactive about managing it. Many employers are willing to give people with ADHD a second chance so long as they’re working hard to address the underlying issues.

  4. Demonstrate your commitment to overcoming your ADHD condition by taking steps such as medication management or vocational training. If you can show that you’re serious about confronting your disorder head on, employers will be much more likely to give you a chance.


If you’re writing an ADHD character, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, ADHD is a real diagnosis, and not just a plot point on TV. Second, everyone with ADHD experiences it differently. You need to respect that and write your character with that in mind. Third, don’t make your character stereotypes. Fourth, remember that ADHD is not a perfect diagnosis; people with ADHD can and do have great lives.

Character Profile

How to write adhd characters

Hearing voices and being overwhelmed by thoughts are common challenges that people with ADHD face. Writing characters who have ADHD can be a challenge, but it’s important to understand the unique challenges that this disorder presents.

ADHD characters may have trouble staying focused and paying attention. They might have trouble completing tasks because they’re constantly switching between different ideas or they’re easily distracted. They might find it hard to stay organized and make decisions quickly. They might be constantly moving from one task to another, or they might not be able to sit still for very long.

On the other hand, some people with ADHD are excellent organizers and decision makers. They can multi-task like crazy, and they’re usually more than capable of handling whatever task is at hand. Some people with ADHD even have a natural ability to think on their feet.

Regardless of whether a character has ADHD or not, it’s important to understand how this disorder affects them. It’ll give you a better idea of why they do the things that they do, and it’ll help you develop more believable characters who are true to life.

How to write an autistic character?

Autistic characters can be tricky to write, but there are a few tips that will help make them come alive on the page.

First and foremost, autistic characters should be authentic. Sinchronize your observations of autism with the character in question- don’t simply use autism as a tool to create a unique personality. For example, an autistic character might have trouble with social cues or responding quickly to prompts, which would reflect their specific experience.

Second, autistic characters often lack social skills. Be sure to convey this in your writing by features and dialogue. For instance, an autistic character might struggle to initiate conversations or build relationships, or they might rely heavily on text communication instead of face-to-face interaction.

Finally, be sure to include details about the character’s world and experiences. An autistic character’s struggles will be more relatable if the reader understands what it’s like to live in their shoes. Include descriptions of what they see and hear, as well as how this affects their day-to-day life.

How to write a dyslexic character?

There are a few things to keep in mind when attempting to write a dyslexic character. First, remember that this character is not only unique and different, but also has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Second, focus on the character’s specific struggles and how they’ve led them to where they are today. Finally, be sure to capture the character’s innate humor and charisma.

 Making your readers understand the character struggles better

There are a few things you can do to help make your readers more sympathetic to the character and their struggles with ADHD. First, be as accurate as possible when describing the character’s symptoms. Second, focus on the character’s motivations and why they act the way they do. Third, use sensory imagery to bring the reader into the character’s world. Finally, use dialogue to give the reader a sense of what it’s like to communicate with this character.

By being as accurate as possible when describing ADHD symptoms and motivations, you’ll help your readers understand and relate to the character better. To create sensory imagery in your readers’ minds, imagine what it would be like to have ADHD symptoms and how they might impact daily life. For example, imagine feeling constantly on edge or struggling to stay focused on task. Finally, use dialogue sparingly but effectively to reveal the thoughts and feelings of the ADHD character. For instance, if your character is struggling to remember something important, you might hear them say something like “I can never seem to keep anything straight” or “I forget everything within a few minutes of trying”. 

By doing all of these things, you’ll help your readers better understand the character’s struggles and their motivation for acting the way they do. As a result, readers will likely become more sympathetic to the character and their experiences with ADHD.

Challenges for Writing ADHD Characters

When writing a fictional story with ADHD characters, there are some unique challenges to be aware of. 

First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure that the ADHD elements are appropriate for your story and age group. If your story is set in a more formal setting, for example, you may want to be more subtle about the ADHD symptoms. On the other hand, if your story is geared towards younger readers, you may want to go all out with the ADHD characteristics.

Another challenge when writing ADHD characters is making them relatable. Yes, they may have heightened senses or intuitiveness, but at their core they’re just like regular people. You’ll need to show both their strengths and weaknesses realistically so that readers can sympathize with them and root for them on their journey.

ADHD characters also come with a slew of stereotypes that need to be avoided. For example, they’re often thought of as lazy or undisciplined; this isn’t always accurate. And don’t forget the popular “techie” stereotype – many ADHD individuals are just as capable (if not more so) in technology than non-ADHD individuals.

All in all, writing ADHD characters is a lot of fun – provided  you keep all the challenges in mind. Happy writing!


If you’re looking to write an effective adhd characters for your blog or website, it’s important to understand the basics of the disorder. Here are a few tips that will help you write convincing and engaging characterizations:

-Take note of how your characters interact with others and their surroundings. This will give you a good idea of their personality traits and how they behave under pressure.

-Be sure to include specific detail when writing about ADHD symptoms; this can make readers feel more connected to the character.

-Make sure your dialogue is easy to follow, without unnecessary exposition (explaining what people are saying rather than showing it). This will keep readers engaged throughout the piece.



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